“HF” Hi-Flite Flat-Bottom Incline – Details

The High-Flight conveyor is an economical and efficient option to convey and elevate the maximum volume of material within the trough structure. Unlike En-Masse conveyors, the High-Flight unit is designed with special UHMW flights and divider pans to convey large quantities with inclines of up to 45°, with some material up to 60°, thus not allowing the material to cascade back down the incline. When the head section is above 45°, a reverse-incline may be required for optimum discharge. The standard High-Flight self-metering inlet only admits as much material as the carrying section of the trough will hold. Sizes are available with capacities up to 18,500 BPH (23,015 CFM), Much larger capacities can be achieved using our Heavy High-Flight ‘HHF’ Conveyor.